See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.

News & Announcements

End of Course Examinations

Fall End of Course examination schedule

Blood Drive

The Blood Connection will be here  Friday, September 27th.

Sign up using the QR code found on Blood Connection posters throughout the school. 

*You must be at least 16 years old to give blood.
If you are 16, you must have a parent or guardian’s permission.
Sixteen year old donors should see Ms. Wenberg in room 134, downstairs Grey Hall to receive a permission slip.

Your participation is crucial, and together, we can achieve something remarkable!


Recent threats link to statement
GCS Superintendent Dr. Burke Royster and Sheriff Hobart Lewis ask
for parents’ help in ensuring effective reporting of potential threats.
The Chiefs of the six local municipal police departments join in full support.
We ask parents to monitor your child’s social media accounts closely,
help control the spread of false threats and misinformation, and ensure
effective reporting occurs. Having your child follow the See Something,
Say Something protocols by reporting potential threats directly to the
school or law enforcement will maximize the effective use of school and
law enforcement resources and ultimately create a safer environment
for all students.For full information, visit

SCDISCUS.ORG Online Tutoring offers free, real-time tutoring for all SC residents. is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for English and Spanish speakers. Connect with a tutor on various subjects, such as math, science, language arts, social studies, world languages, computer literacy, and AP courses. offers test prep assistance, skills coaching, and help with specific math and essay-writing questions. Unlock even more features with a account. Creating a account is optional and not required to connect with a tutor.


Visit to get started. The username and password are available in the BHS library or you can contact

Directions for using TUTOR.COM

Cell Phone Policy

Personal electronic devices cannot be used by students in classrooms during the instructional day. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, earbuds, earpods, headphones, computers, tablets, etc.  All personal devices must remain out of sight of others during this time. Students, however, may use personal electronic devices during class changes, lunch, and other times outside of the classroom during the instructional day unless directed differently by the principal or principal’s designee. The instructional day for high schools shall be from 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.


IDs are required at all times in the building.
IDs costs are:
$5/New and $1/Temporary. Lanyards are $2.
Students are required to wear the BHS lanyard with their ID. You must pay cash for a temporary ID but you may pay for a new ID on My School Bucks.

Attendance Policy

If a student misses more than five (5) days (unexcused) in any semester course, the student may be denied credit for the course.  
A student may be denied credit in a half semester (quarter) course if he/she misses more than three (3) days.
Students who are absent over the allotted days should attend Seat-Time Recovery to make-up time.
BHS field trips and athletic trips, legal excuses, religious holidays, out of school suspensions (OSS), in school suspensions (ISS), administrative excuses, college visits, up to 5 parent notes, and extended medical excuses will not be counted towards denial of credit of a course.

Dress Code for 2024-2025

In an effort to increase alignment in discipline and dress code practices between schools and to provide more consistency and clarity for parents and students, we are providing the attached fliers for guidance:

 Dress Code English  Dress Code Spanish

These dress code specifications and violation consequences are in effect for the 2024-25 school year. Please reach out with any questions by contacting the front office. 

Student Handbook '24 - '25

Student Handbook '24 - '25

Parking Permit 2024-2025

Parking Permit Application

qr code parking