Upcoming Events

See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.


SIC Meeting

SIC Meeting

SIC Meeting

January 14, 2025


SIC Meeting Link

Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars Challenge

Reading All-Stars

Our school is teaming up with the Greenville Drive again this year for the Reading All-Stars Challenge.  Read 5 books between January 13th-February 14th and write them down on the reading log to win prizes.  Prizes include Greenville Drive merchandise, a new book, and the opportunity to participate in the pre-game parade. Students should receive a parent information letter with more information as well as reading log.  The parent information letter and reading log are also included here. 


Reading All-Stars Log

ACCESS Testing

ACCESS Testing

ACCESS testing will take place in January and February. Mrs. Reeve's testing schedule is below.

ACCESS Testing Schedule

Become a BCES Mentor

Mentor Upstate

Ever thought of becoming a Bell’s Crossing mentor?  Here is your chance.  Mentor Upstate promotes the establishment and development of mentoring partnerships in elementary, middle, and high schools in the upstate of South Carolina. The goal is to facilitate healthy and sustainable relationships between students and adults in our community.  Please visit the Mentor Upstate Website for the application to begin the process of becoming a mentor at Bell’s Crossing Elementary. 


Amazing Shake Judges Needed

Amazing Shake

We are looking for leaders in our community to help judge Round 1 and Round 2 of our Amazing Shake competition. Share this Amazing Shake Judge Flyer with anyone you know who may be interested.

Round 1 will be held on Tuesday, February 11 (8:00am-12:00pm) at Bell’s Crossing Elementary. We do ask that people who volunteer to be judges have no connection to 4th graders at our school, as we want judging to be fair and unbiased. Judges will meet, shake hands, and hold a brief conversation (30 seconds) with each student. Then, judges will score students on their handshake, eye contact, poise, and conversation using a secret scorecard. Business attire is not required, but encouraged on this day, as we will ask our students to “dress to impress.” 

Round 1 Judge Sign Ups

Round 2 will be held on Thursday, February 13 (8:00am-10:00am) at Bell's Crossing Elementary. In this round 20 students will compete in "think on your feet" stations where they will role play to solve some type of problem/real life situation. For example, students may walk into a "pizza store" where an upset customer says a slice of his pizza was missing upon delivery. The student has to "think on their feet" as the pizza manager to decide how to handle this situation.   Judges on this day will stay at a single station and participate in the "role play" as 20 students come through their station. Judges will have a clipboard with a scoring sheet where they will score students on handshake, eye contact, charisma, poise under pressure, and common sense. 

Round 2 Judge Sign Ups

Yearbook Information

Yearbook Orders  

Yearbooks are on sale! They are $35 if preordered and will be in full color. Don't miss out on your 2024-2025 yearbook. Use school code: 25307 Kindergarten and 5th grade parents may also purchase ads for their students while in the yearbook center. Deadline for ads is November 22.

Yearbook Order Center

Do you have candid photos from school events, field trips, or activities? We'd love for you to share them with us for possible submission in our school yearbook. 

Yearbook Photos Submission

Nominate a Teacher for the Golden Apple Award

Golden Apple

Ingles and WYFF want to recognize teachers who are going above and beyond. Each week, an area teacher will be selected to receive the Golden Apple Award and profiled Thursdays on WYFF News 4. Do you have a teacher you would like to nominate for the Golden Apple? Download the form below to complete and mail in (address on form).


Golden Apple Nomination Form

Parent Backpack

Big Air

Parent Backpack is your central location for keeping up with all school information related to your child - grades, attendance, discipline incidents, test scores, and more! It works on any device and is mobile friendly. Just create an account!

Creating a Parent Backpack Account

Backpack for Parents Training

Backpack for Parents Login

Purchase a Shout Out for Your Child on Our Morning News Show

Shout Out

Do you or your child want to give someone a shout out? Maybe someone has been a good friend, achieved a special accomplishment, or is having a birthday this week? Purchase a Shout Out CAMEO! Your child can appear LIVE on our news show for their shoutout! Complete this Shout Out Form and send $3 to school in an envelope labeled ENN Shout Out to have your submission read on air during our morning news show, with your child in attendance.  (Appearances are optional.) We do our best to record all of our news episodes so that you can watch from home.


Eagle News Shout Out Form

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