Upcoming Events

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News & Notes

Whittenberg Connect

Parent Newsletter

Art Night

 Art Night will be Thursday, April 24th. 


March 24th-28th
Come join us for a fun-filled week of books with our spring book fair! Access our book fair home page for details about signing up for E-Wallet! Please review the list of books that may be available at the book fair with your child(ren). Permission slips to attend bookfair must be returned by Friday, March 14th.

Makeup Days from Hurricane Helene

Greenville County Schools will make up three days missed from Hurricane Helene using self-paced, asynchronous (no live instruction) eLearning on the following days: Friday, March 14; Friday, April 18; and Saturday, May 10. Students and teachers will not need to be online for these makeup days; teachers will provide students with assignments that can be completed within five school days upon return to school. Details about how self-paced, asynchronous eLearning will be conducted, the complete plan for making up days, and other FAQs can be found on the Greenville County Schools website.

Robot Ruckus

Our 2nd Annual Robot Ruckus School Carnival will be held Friday, March 28th from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm in the front circle of A.J. Whittenberg. We need your help! Please review information and sign up to volunteer for some of the fun activities we have scheduled.
Please feel free to forward this request to friends, family members, and other organizations you think would be interested in making this a fun event for our kids. If you have any questions please contact vpfundraising.ajwpta@gmail.com.

proceeds to benefit AJ Whittenberg PTA to advance school projects, field trip assistance, classroom initiatives, and playground improvements.

ARMES - Arts Reaching Middle and Elementary Schools

Auditions for the 2025-2026
Nominations Open: February 3, 2025  - Deadline: March 31, 2025

The ARMES Program (Arts Reaching Middle and Elementary Schools) is a tuition-free artistically gifted and talented program designed to meet the needs of identified 3rd - 8th grade Greenville County students in the areas of music, dance, drama, visual art and writing. The purpose of the program is to allow students to explore their chosen art form in depth while promoting individual creativity. Visit site to learn more about the ARMES program and to nominate someone!

SC Ready Testing Dates

April 22: 3rd grade SCREADY Reading A 

April 23: 3rd grade SCREADY Reading B 

April 25: 3rd grade SCREADY Writing

April 29: 4-5th grade SCREADY Reading A

April 30: 4-5th grade SCREADY Reading B

May 2: 4-5th grade SCREADY Writing

May 6: 3-5th grade SCREADY Math 

May 8: 4th grade SCREADY Science