Upcoming Events

See Something. Say Something. Ver Algo. Di Algo.


March Madness Reading Challenge

March Madness Reading Challenge

Join us in our reading challenge from March 1-31. Once all squares are completed, please turn in to Ms. Bailey. Make sure your name and homeroom teacher is on the sheet. 

Read Across America Week

Read Across America Week is March 3-7. We are so excited to celebrate and promote our love for literacy!

Spring MAP Testing

Students in 1st grade will be taking the MAP Growth test on March 4 and 5. Students will take Reading on 3/4 and Math on 3/5. Please make sure to bring headphones and your charged Chromebook.  

Student Resource Site

PTA Merchandise

Blythe PTA merchandise has reopened for purchase on MemberHub. With the cooler temperatures, it's the perfect time to pickup a Blythe Academy sweatshirt or hoodie!